Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spare Time for a Full-Time Kind-of-Lady

Spare time?  Me?  Ha!  I don't have spare time.  I really don't.  I work full-time and have a four-year-old daughter, not to mention a home and two dogs.  Every single second is used "doing something productive."  Five minutes until dinner's ready?  Dry the dishes and put them away.  Daughter's in bed asleep and it's eight o'clock at night?  Let the dogs out one last time and feed the little, old dog who only has one tooth.  Get home five minutes early from work?  Wash the dishes and put away the laundry.  So, do I have spare time in my uber-busy life?  Why yes, yes I do.

How on Earth can I have spare time, you ask?  I have an amazing husband who is truly a 50/50 kind of partner.  We split the work load.  And, on incredible days like today, he takes our daughter on a "daddy-daughter date."  Currently, they are out on the town, seeing a live production of "Annie Junior" at our local park district.  2.5 hours for me!   Spare time at last!  The house is mostly clean, there are no dishes in the sink (clean or dirty), and the laundry is put away.  I took the dogs for a walk and did all my cooking prep-work to last the week.

Here is what I did with my spare time:

I admit it.  I have a problem.  We just bought this bag of popcorn yesterday at Costco.  This is what happens when I have "spare time."  I also watched two episodes of "Parks and Recreation" (I am on episode four now...of the first season).  I laughed out loud so many times that my big dog kept turning from her window perch with a wtf-look on her face.
I have enjoyed my spare time today, so much that I have yet to fix my sock (which has been like this all day).  What is the is already 3:09 p.m.  Might as well just leave it.

Yours sincerely...with free time on her hands as daughter/husband have YET to return.
Junkyard Happiness Mom

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