Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jury Duty Should NOT Equal Evil Wife

Yes, I received the summons for jury duty a few weeks ago and yes, I plan on attending; however, I seem to have transformed into a witch because of this dreaded feat.  Let me explain:  All weekend long, I was in a terrible mood.  I was evil, even though I was treated to dinner at my mother-in-law's on Friday (she cooked, she cleaned, she catered to my family's every need).  Saturday, my dad and mom treated my family to dinner at an expensive restaraunt where I ordered four refills of Diet Coke (to which a servant brought to me without hesitation).  My husband gave me a back rub for no reason later that night.  Today, my dear husband took the little one on a "daddy-daughter" date so I could have time to myself (after he cleaned the bathroom and mopped the kitchen floor).  YET, the wicked witch of Skokie is still very-much present.  She is lurking around the apartment as we speak, waiting for someone to yell at; waiting for something to complain about; counting the minutes until her husband and daughter get home so that she can continue to be evil....

And why, you ask, is she persistent on being evil?  Three words:  jury duty tomorrow.

The purpose of this rant is not to brag about being evil, nor to make me sound like a poor, little witch.  I wanted everyone to know that, despite my witchy ways, I continue to be grateful for my wonderful life.  I can't say the same for those who will be punished by my verdict tomorrow.  Let's hope I get let off the hook.

Junkyard Happiness Wife

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