Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thrift Store Eclectic

Okay, so I know I should be going to sleep, but Seinfeld is on and I would much rather be drinking Diet Coke and playing on the computer than laying in bed (wide awake).  As I sit here in the front room of my humble apartment, window-unit air conditioner trucking along with fan blowing in my face, I look around the room and wonder "what is our style?"  Well, Eden Lee said it best when she described her humble dwelling as "thrift store eclectic."

Let me capture the scene of my front room for you as I see it right now:

-one 30-pound coffee table with golden yellow tiles on the top (hand-made, gift given to Carl Ullrich in the 70s)
-leather lounge chair and ottoman (garage sale, Tim Edwards)
-record player
-three full shelves of records
-two mis-matched rugs
-Maltese Falcon statue on mantle
-pillow with Western-themed Peanuts cartoon characters
-child's kitchen (Aldi)
-dog bed with blind dog laying on it
-rack for blankets (blankets include Yo Gabba Gabba, red fuzzy wuzzy, and something Cubs)
-flat screen television -- oh yeah, baby

Ah, heaven.


  1. I believe this would qualify as HIPSTER these days. Congratulations!

  2. Hipster!!! I feel so honored to be called such.
